
Showing posts from 2021


   I’ll be talking exclusively about self love today. I’ll be sharing pearls of wisdom based on my own experiences and books that I’ve read. Self love has been defined in so many ways and it means different things to different people and I’ll be giving my own perspective and view about it. Self love is not about posting a cute photo on your social media and giving it the #self love, it is not about splurging on expensive fashion items, it goes beyond going on vacations and heading to the spa. It’s so much deeper than all of what is usually being potrayed in social media. I’ll be sharing my own definition of what self love is towards the end of this post. I think self love has 6 core values that hold it together and it includes; Self awareness, Self Acceptance, Self worth, Self respect, Self expression and Self confidence. Everything comes together to become Self love. The journey to Self love is a marathon not a sprint, it is difficult and tough but when you decide to do the work and t


  This is a simple guide that is dedicated to people who will like to take USMLE step 2 CK, I’ll be sharing tips as well as my own experience with the exam. The step 2 exam is the second step, usually written after the step 1. The CK behind it stands for Clinical knowledge. It is an exam that tests your clinical knowledge. Your ability to make diagnosis and choose the tests required to make the diagnosis, and the treatments. You need to know how to read and interpret labs, ECG, CT scans and X rays for different diseases. The areas that you’re going to be tested on includes; Internal medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Ethics and patient safety. You need to also learn how to interpret Medical literature and Clinical research. Other areas you could be tested on include Quality improvement and Health care management and systems. It is very important to read and learn about all of these things before you sit for your exam. I

7 Struggles of a Caribbean Medical student

  I studied in a medical school in the Caribbean and it’s tougher than most people imagine. The moment you mention the Caribbean the image that comes into the mind of most people is nice beaches, parties, basically lots and lots of enjoyment. It’s a whole other ball game when you’re there studying medicine. I’ll be sharing the challenges that I faced while studying there. There are definitely upsides to studying in the Caribbean, my intention is not outline the negatives and discourage anyone with the intention of pursuing a medical degree over there. I want to share  my experiences, the things I’ve heard and seen. I want to give people some insight about what it is like studying over there. 1.  It can be costly ; This really depends on the amount of money that you have. It is definitely more expensive than studying in Nigeria, or in Ukraine or Russia but it is much cheaper compared to studying in the United states or Canada. The Pre Clinical years are cheaper compared to Clinicals, as

A Guide for USMLE Step 1; What you should know

I've gotten a lot of questions from friends and colleagues on how to prepare for USMLE step 1 examination so this is dedicated to those who are curious about the exam and those who are preparing for the exam. I'll be sharing tips and information that will help and hopefully make your journey easier. There'll also be sprinkles of my own personal experience and what I learned along the way Overview;  The USMLE stands for United States Medical Licensing Examination. It is an examination you have to write if you want to practice medicine in the United States of America and if you want to do a residency program in the US. This examination is written by IMGs and non IMGs, it's basically a rite of passage for anyone that wants to practice in the US. There are 3 steps to this exam. Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3. The focus of attention today is Step 1.   Step 1 is one of the most dreaded exams cause most people believe that it is very difficult and there's a pressure not to j

Getting Through Trauma

            Trauma; according to the  English dictionary can be defined as an emotional wound leading to psychological injury, a second definition describes it as an event that causes great distress, both of these definitions I completely agree with. We’ve all had our share of traumas, I’ve had mine. I have experienced a few devastating events in my lifetime and I want to share what my thought process was during those difficult times and what I’ve learned. When something terrible has happened to us, we tend to self blame before anything else. We wonder and we think I must’ve done something wrong for this to happen to me. The things we tell ourselves, things that I’ve told myself in times like this include; “I wasn’t smart enough”, “I was too weak”, “I should’ve been more careful”, “I should’ve listened to my gut”, “why was I so naive”, “There must be something wrong with me”, “maybe I was unlovable and unworthy of being loved”, “It’s all my fault”. You beat yourself up with these word